I Think I Write Better On My Phone Than On My Notebook or Computer
It’s a strange thing indeed. I recently glanced at a couple of notes I’ve taken over the years and was a little perplexed at the creativity and variety of the comments. They range from short dialogues, small absurd anecdotes, lists and ideas to use, incomplete essays, and miscellaneous activities. The words appear to flow better than on the notebook or Word processor. I wonder why I really don’t use it as often, considering the results. I can’t deny a part of me finds the whole idea of writing my best material on this fucking pad extremely hilarious. And even more hilarious if I end up becoming successful doing this endeavour, literally just using my phone to write a thesis or novel. It’s one of those moments where you just feel the compulsive need to scream “I love technology” at the top of your lungs. The world has come a long way yet remains so far up its own ass. The perpetual comedy, the Coen Brothers called it.
Seriously, how the fuck is that even possible? How is my mind more comfortable and confident on that space than on any other? My best guess comes from the accommodation of my surroundings. A man from 1800s was more comfortable with paper while one from the 1920s’ was probably more in tuned with a typewriter. Following this line of progress, it’s only logical that people accommodated with the smart phone are more prone…